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#LivingIt: Ravit Elia-Leib

As violence in Israel escalates, the Jewish Agency responds


Ravit Elia-Leib
Director of Welfare and Social Services for Ethiopian Olim
Southern Region
The Jewish Agency for Israel


The question on our minds these days is how can we best grapple with and confront this emergency situa…

#LivingIt: Photo From Beer Sheva

Mother trying to protect her baby in Beer Sheva during a rocket attack.

#LivingIt: JDC Update: Protective Edge Day 22

As the tragic news from yesterday sinks in and all of Israel prays that no more of our boys will be lost, JFNA support is ensuring that JDC can continue to provide those most isolated  and those hardest hit with a clear message that we will get through this together. Below is a selection of…

#LivingIt: Operation Protective Edge 24th July - Day 17

Operation Protective Edge 24th July - Day 17

In the past 24 hours 39 rockets (and counting) were shot towards the south and center of Israel, killing Kitiyangkol Narakorn, a worker in a farm by the border, and hitting neighborhoods and industrial areas. 

5 more terror-tunnels were reveale…