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Resources for Teachers and Educators 

of American millennials unaware of what Auschwitz was

In 2019, a survey found that two-thirds of American millennials could not identify what Auschwitz was. This startling statistic demonstrates the critical importance of education about the Holocaust in history classes, community events, schools, etc.

Start Educating Our Future TODAY

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has various resources for schools to respond to incidents, as well as to incorporate pro-active programs to help create a culture of respect among students and peers. For more information about ADL resources visit or read more here.

  • Speakers Bureau

    Request a local survivor or children of survivors to speak to your classroom

  • Daffodil Project

    This is a worldwide initiative to plant 1.5 million daffodils in memory of the 1.5 million children who perished during the Holocaust.

Teacher Workshops

Take your learning to the next level by participating in one of our workshops. To learn more, contact

  • Fall 2019

    CCSD Teacher Workshop with South Carolina Council on the Holocaust Executive Director Christine Beresniova