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#LivingIt: Vatikim B'reshet

Already running for over a year, "Vatikim B'reshet" (Elderly Online), connects older people who cannot leave their homes easily, to other elderly people, with social activities and opportunities.  Led by a certified facilitator, weekly meetings are held online (video conferencing). Generall…

JDC Emergency Update: Day 29


Center For Independent Living- Be'er Sheva

Since the outbreak of Operation Protective Edge, the Centers for Independent Living (CIL) has shifted its daily focus to helping people with disabilities properly deal and cope with the ongoing attacks from Gaza.  The following story describes…

#LivingIt: From D.

By D.

I came to Israel on July 7th.  We came here at about 6:00PM and were very tired so we went to a restaurant and started eating pizza when ten minutes later there were sirens.  The streets were crowded and we followed everyone into the buildings until we heard three bombs from Iron D…

#LivingIt: Robert Gilbert

Today, Robert Gilbert, a trustee of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, witnessed some 1200 children from rocket-battered southern Israel participate in rest and recreation activities at Nachshonit Amusement Park, organized by The Jewish Agency for Israel outside the line of fire.
