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"I found a fruitful world, because my ancestors planted it for me. Likewise, I am planting for future generations." 
- Talmud

The Book of Life is a collection of legacy stories that honor the values of individuals and families who have made a commitment as a legacy donor through a bequest and/or by establishing an endowment at the Jewish Endowment Foundation of Greater Charleston. Each one of us, regardless of our age, wealth, or affiliation, has the power to become a legacy donor, helping to ensure the financial sustainability of Jewish Charleston long after our lifetimes.

The donors listed below have made a legacy commitment to one or more local Jewish organizations. Members appearing in bold have legally formalized their gift. If a donor chooses to include their legacy story as part of the Book of Life, we will include it as a link below. Click on the name of the donor to view their Book of Life page.



Anonymous (42)

Ami Abramson

Eli Abuderham

Marlene Addlestone

Saul Adelman

Gloria Schraibman Adelson

Jeremy & Rachel Anspach

Mickey & Gerald Appleman

Jonathan & Melanie Archer


Patti & Mickey Bagg

Roy Bakalo

Charles & Nancy Banov

Delphine Barnett (OBM)

David & Esther Beckmann

Ira & Andrea Berendt

Susan Addlestone Berlijn

Shera Lee Berlin

Herbert (OBM) & Jaclyn Berlinsky

Katherine Bielsky

Traci & Neal Black

Ryan & Sharyn Bluestein

Ettaleah (OBM) & Nicky Bluestein

Gabriel & Elisa Bluestein

Craig & Tsivia Browdy

Rita Busman


Ben & Susan Chase

Phillip (OBM) and Leah Chase

Eileen & Stanley Chepenik

Ryan Chesley

Robyn & Randy Cohen

Jeffrey & Jody Cohen

David & Linda Cohen

Neil E. Cohen and Family

Jay Cooper

Ted & Judi Corsaro


Vicki & Fred Daniziger

Chuck & Jill Deich


Elizabeth Edelson

Morris & Deborah Ellison

Haskell & Barbara Ellison

Ellen Elmaleh

Beth Elmaleh-Stapleton

Aaron & Rebecca Engel

Joseph Engel

Richard & Linda Ett


Stuart Feldman

Sally & Mickey Fischbein

Brandon Fish

Dennis & Terry Fisher

Harold I. Fox, OBM

Monte & Eileen Fried

Harvey & Janet Friedman


Ofer & Laurie Gamliel

Paul & Susan Garfinkel

Marsha & Neil Gewirtzman

Ofer Gilady

Mitch & Irene Gilbert

David & Linda Gilston

Guy & Judy Gimson

Slade & Lori Gleaton

Gloria & Henry Goldberg

Jason Goldberg

Steven & Amy Goldberg

Charles (OBM) & Harriet Goldberg

Harry & Ruth Goldberg

Marsha & Bill Golod

Neal A. Gordon & Marilyn J. Gordon

Judith Green


Al & Mindy Hawkins

Marilyn Hoffman

Stanley Hoffman

Ellen Hoffman

Elisheva Holub

Michael & Diane Hornblas

Sharon Hox

Eli & Ann-Therese Hyman

Warren & Pearl Hyman (OBM)


Enid Idelsohn

Alan & Lisa Isaacson


Michael Jackson

Carl "Chuck" Jacobson


Ellis & Janice Kahn

Sewell & Renee Kahn

Stan & Pam Kaplan

Or Kroub

Betsy & Dennis Karpf

Marvin & Phyllis Katzen

Nathan & Linda Kirshstein

Bruce and Ava Kleinman

Diana & Israel Kogan

Michael Kogan

Samantha Krantz

Maurice & Linda Krawcheck

Barry & Elaine Krell

Ed and Amy Kronsberg


Patrick (OBM) & Victoria Labbe

Rachel & Jim Landis

Jack & Camo Lawson

Brenda Lederman

Abigail Leibowitz

Dan Lerner

Scott & Lara LeRoy

Elliott Lessen

Ted & Rose Levin

Norman & Abby Levine

Arthur Liberman

Meyer Lipman

Larry & Jan Lipov

Harvey & Sherri Loew

Mindelle Seltzer & Robert Lovinger

Dan Lurie

Spencer & Elisabeth Lynch

Paul & Suzanne Lynch


Diana & Wade Manaker

Steve & Debbie Mandel

Eran & Jennifer Maron

Burnet & Jane Mendelsohn

David & Risa Milbauer

Marcia & Stewart Miller

Mike & Shirley Mills

Carol and Allan Mysel Endowment


Harry & Ellen Nadler

Alan & Neda Nussbaum


William & Christine Olasov


Martin and Jeryll Haas Perlmutter

Daniel & Anahita Perlmutter

Sandra and Howard Peskin

Mark & Karen Pinosky


William & Stephanie Quick


Michael & Erica Rabhan

Rachel Raisin

Ellis & Sally Regenbogen

Shoshanna Beth Wasserman Richeck

John & Hilary Rieck

Scot and Karen Rittenabum

Susan Rosand

Sam and Sara Beth Rosen

Alex Rosen

Adam Rosenbaum

David & Marcelle Rosenberg

Mark & Camilla Rosenberg

Anita Rosenberg

Peter & Arlene Rosenthal

Steve & LuAnn Rosenzweig

Herb Rosner


Amy Davis & Phillip Saul

Jennifer Schager

Linda Scheer

Jerry Scheer

Sigmund Schildcrout (OBM)

Terry Schildcrout

Faye Seigel

Richard & Randi Serrins

Mindy Roiff & Roger Shanfeld

Steven & Katherine Shapiro

Phyllis Shorago

Brian Shulman

Ronald & Paula Silverman

Joe & Debbie Sistino

Joseph (OBM) and Freida Sokol

Kerry & Cindi Solomon

Robin Solomon

Roxann & Michael Spandorfer

Hugo (OBM) and Barbara Spitz

Edward Spool

Rich & Shara Star

Ellen & Robert Steinberg

Samuel & Sunny Steinberg

Kelly Stellrecht

Joe Stern

Scott & Tamar Sternfeld

Cynthia Stetzer

Michael & Sharon Stricker

Patricia Rones & Paul Sykes


Stuart & Elaine Tessler

Louis Tick

Sara Sharnoff Tick

Murray Treiser

Ilene Turbow

Rob & Deborah Turkewitz 



Patricia Votava


Nathaniel Wallace

Barry & Ruth Warren

Sue & Jeff Weinman

Gary & Miriam Weinstein

Bob & Sally Warshaw Weisman

Paige & TR Williams


Greg & Marian Yarus


Loren & Mindelle Ziff

Steven & Cindy Zimmerman

Lenny & Barbara Zucker

Jonathan & Laura Zucker

Anita Zucker

Oscar Iluzada & Stephanie Zweben

The Book of Life is a growing archive of donor legacy stories. To add your story, please contact us at

*Members appearing in bold have legally formalized their gift