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Jewish Studies Community News September 2014

Coming up at Jewish Studies

Sunday, 10/12, 11AM, Jewish Studies Center
Tragedy Tomorrow, Comedy Tonight: Bringing Biblical Stories to Life in the Synagogue
Rabbi Laura Lieber, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Duke University
For over two millennia, Jews have read from the Torah eve…

KKBE Community News September 2014

Simchat Torah Service
Wednesday, October 15 @ 7pm
Join your KKBE Family as we sing and dance with the Torah! We’ll unroll an entire Torah Scroll, noting the most special and inspiring passages.

“How to Be a Mensch (aka How to Be a Man)” 
Thursday, October 23 @ 7 pm
Instructor:   R…

Dor Tikvah Community News September 2014

Upcoming Events @ Congregation Dor Tikvah –

Greatest Hits of Yom Kippur –
Saturday, October 4th from 8:30am-9:30am
Not planning on attending services? Would you be interested in a one-hour discussion and sampling  of what the day is about? This program is for you.

Youth Candy Sukkah B…

BSBI Community News September 2014

Rosh Hashanah was a blast at BSBI - inspirational, educational, and of course appletinis!  The appletini kiddush after services provided a chance to mingle with family and friends after intense and reflective services.  While we won't be serving appletinis on Yom Kippur, we are looking for…

BBYO Community News September 2014

We have had a great year so far! Our Labor Day Kickoff Dance was a huge success. Thank you to all of our families who hosted and volunteered and Yasher koach to our coordinators, Margo Schwartz and Jake Kalinsky. Additionally, we had a great AIT/MIT weekend Sept. 19-21, where we welcomed the…