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BSBI Community News September 2014

Rosh Hashanah was a blast at BSBI - inspirational, educational, and of course appletinis!  The appletini kiddush after services provided a chance to mingle with family and friends after intense and reflective services.  While we won't be serving appletinis on Yom Kippur, we are looking forward to our annual break fast.  


On Rosh Hashanah we rolled out our Adult Educational Class List for 5775, which has something for everyone and classes every day of the week.  Of particular note are our two Hebrew classes, a conversational Hebrew class and Hebrew Reading I, both of which require pre-registration. Register at


Sukkot is fast approaching, so don't miss our Pizza in the Hut event on Monday October 13 at 6:30PM in the Davis Family Sukkah (81 Morris St.) $7/person, $25/family cap.  RSVP at  


Lastly, don't miss THE SHABBAT PROJECT coming to Charleston on October 24/25.  Celebrate a Shabbat of unity, in its entirety, with the ENTIRE Jewish people.  Wow! see for more details.


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