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Local Teens Deliver Smiles to Children at MUSC Children's Hospital

Kol hakavod to Johnny Gleaton, Sammy Rosenberg, Eitan Netanel, Zevi Kirshtein, Hadassah Sternfeld, Ellen Nirenblatt, Hannah Lipshutz, Yaffa Goldkin, Judah Ellison, Sophie Brams and Zack Lutz for coming together to support this year’s teen J-Serve project. 

J-Serve is a BBYO initiative that challenges teens to get involved in their local community.  This group created “Smile Jars” filled with games, stickers, and small toys and donated them to MUSC’s Children Hospital and the Child Life Department. Thank you to Truere Rothschild for participating and to our chaperones, Shimon Hirsch, Shlomi Netanal and Greg Rothschild.


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