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Charleston Jewish Community Welcomes Teens from Charlotte and Israel

A few weeks ago, a group of teenagers from Charlotte and Israel came to visit us through the Charleston Jewish community's relationship with Partnership 2Gether, an initiative of Charleston Jewish Federation that builds living bridges between a consortium of Southeastern cities in the U.S. and the Hadera-Eiron region in Israel (25 miles north of Tel Aviv). We are especially thrilled that wonderful KKBE members were able to host our guests, since, thanks to Melanie Archer, a classroom-to-classroom partnership with the KKBE religious school and the Gevanim Middle school Hadera will be launching school year!

The group was joined by some of our local Charleston teens as well, many of them alumni of URJ Camp Coleman, and having just returned from Israel themselves as part of an organized trips through NFTY, URJ's youth group. The Charlotte teens are also connected with the same youth group.

The trip only lasted 24 hours, but the memories will last a life-time! From lunch at Hyman's Seafood to tours of Ft. Sumter and the Aquairum, to carriage rides and ghost walks, they barely scratched the surfance of what Charleston has to offer, and we can't wait to see them again soon!
Thank you to our incredible Charleston hosts - it is warm and welcoming families that make our community so great:
Robin and Gil Shuler, Loren and Mindelle Ziff, Michelle and Eric Rovner, and Teri Kahn and Andrew Perry.
If you are interested in hosting friends from Israel in the future, please contact



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