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Catch Up on CRCcasts You May Have Missed

CRCast is a regular series tackling Jewish advocacy and community relations issues. From the rise of anti-Semitism worldwide to the new Administration to the challenges facing Israel, it aims to provide insight into not just complex issues, but practical solutions. 

You can catch up on CRCcasts you may have missed by clicking on the links below.

Slashing $10 billion in Jewish social services: What’s at stake for your community?

Featuring William Daroff, Senior Vice President for Public Policy and Director of the Washington Office of JFNA. 
July 17, 2017

Click Here to watch.

What is the Alt-Right (and What Should we do About Them)?




Featuring Marilyn Mayo, Research Fellow at the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) Center on Extremism. 
July 5, 2017

Click Here to watch.

Strategic Framework for Battling the Delegitimization of Israel




Featuring Gidi Grinstein, founder of the Reut Institute.
June 21, 2017

Click Here to watch

Lessons Learned 50 Years After the Six-Day War




Featuring Ambassador Michael Oren, Deputy Minister for Diplomacy and Special Envoy in the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office.
June 7, 2017

Click Here to watch.

The Socially Responsible Investing Movements Influence on Israel/BDS and Other Communal Concerns 




Featuring Julie Hammerman, Executive Director of JLens.
May 17, 2017

Click Here to watch

Illegal: Reflections of an Undocumented Immigrant




Featuring Jose Angel N., author and advocate.
May 3, 2017

Click Here to watch



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