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Amiel BaKehila Visit Five

OTS Amiel BaKehila, part of Ohr Torah Stone, is an exciting initiative under the auspices of Israel's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs aimed at empowering Jewish communities around the world through Jewish Education, Israel Engagement, and Jewish Arts & Culture. Charleston is one of six North American communities that are participating. Each of the seven visits will bring a selection of Jewish educators and artists with a variety of backgrounds and affiliations. 


Amiel BaKehila Schedule: Visit Five

 Tuesday, March 26 - March 28, 2019

Contact Shai Bibas with questions at 

Tuesday, March 26

  • 6:00 pm: Dor Tikvah Teen Leadership Program with Daniel Yehudah (closed event)
  • 5:oo pm: Emanu-El Teen Event with Dr. Rabbi Sharon Shalom (closed event)
  • 7:00 pm: From Addis Ababa to Tel Aviv: Ethiopian Jewish Thought with Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom at Synagogue Emanu-El. Sponsored by JCC WOW and Synagogue Emanu-El. Click Here for Facebook Event >> Open to the Entire Community

​Wednesday, March 27

  • Programs at Addlestone Hebrew Academy (closed event)
  • 12:30 pm: Go Go, Keep Going and Never Stop: My Life's Story with Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom at BSBI, 182 Rutledge Ave. $10 per person, RSVP to Open to Entire Community

  • 3:30 - 5:30 pm: Children's Music and Magic Event with Daniel Yehudah. Co-sponsored by PJ Library and Fox Music House. Program is perfect for kids under 10. At Fox Music House: 4248 Ft Dorchester Rd.

  • 6:00 - 8:00 pm: Interfaith Choir Event with Daniel Yehudah, open to All! At Fox Music House. Open to all.

​Thursday, March 28th: 


  • 10:00 am Leadership and Feedback Meeting with Rabbi Spolter, Director, OTS Amiel BaKehila at CJF OFfice. For almost a year, we have been partnering with Ameil BaKehila and the Ministry of Diappora Affairs in Israel through this program. At this meeting, we will learn more about how this strategy developede and discuss potential future collaboations. This meeting is open to anyone who is interested in bringing Israelil culture to our community. Please RSVP to Rebecca Engel at i Spolter (Rebecca, Shai)



About the Educators:

Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom

Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom immigrated to Israel from Ethiopia on his own at the age of nine. He studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion – a Hesder Yeshiva in Alon Shvut – and has rabbinic ordination. He is also a graduate of “Rabbanut Yisraelit”, under the auspices of the Hartman Institute and Oranim College. Serves as a Captain in the IDF Reserves.

Dr. Shalom has a broad education in theology and philosophy. He is a graduate of “Beit Morasha” – a beit midrash and kollel in Jerusalem – and a graduate of Bar Ilan University’s Institute for Advanced Torah Studies, where he was in the Ph.D. student track. He has an M.A. from Bar Ilan University’s Talmud Department, while his final project dealt with the topic of “Circumcision in the Beta Israel Community”. He has a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Bar Ilan University’s Department of Jewish Philosophy, while the topic of his doctoral dissertation was “Judaism of Fate – Theology and Religious Practice in the Beta Israel Community”.

He is a senior lecturer at Ono Academic College, teaches at Bar Ilan University, and serves as the Rabbi of the “Kdoshei Israel” community in Kiryat Gat.

In 2012, Dr. Shalom published his book – From Sinai to Ethiopia: the Halachic World and Ethiopian Jewish Thought, which includes “Shulchan Orot” – the halachic guide for the Beta Israel community. It was also translated into English. In addition, he is involved in writing a curriculum on the topic of Ethiopian Jewry and its culture for Jewish educational institutions in the United States.



Daniel Yehuda – Musician
When you look for Jewish values, Zionism and most importantly – music that uplifts
the soul – look to Daniel Yehuda. Daniel has performed for children, teenagers,
young professionals and adults on many topics with music, Shabbat and inspirational
talks and stories. He has inspired Jewish communities in Sidney, Wellington,
Auckland, Budapest, Vienna, Krakow, Toronto, and Montreal, across the US and all
over Israel!
Daniel, who holds a Masters’ Degree in Educational Management, also works as a
Youth Guide for life after high school, offering leadership classes that have prepared
thousands of teenagers and young adults for a life of responsibility, decision-making,
service in the IDF, and more.




Raised in Silver Spring, MD, Rabbi Reuven Spolter served as the rabbi of the Young Israel of Oak Park in Michigan until his aliyah in 2008. He then served as a Judaic studies instructor and Academic Coordinator of the Elkana Campus of the Orot College of Education from 2008 until 2018. Rabbi Spolter also serves as the Shorashim Coordinator for English-speaking countries for Irgun Rabbanei Tzohar. A graduate of Yeshiva University with an MA in Secondary Jewish Education and Rabbinic Ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchonon Theological Seminary, he has taught and lectured to groups of all ages in communities around the world. Rabbi Spolter lives with his family in Yad Binyamin, Israel.